Graduation Gallery
Classes & Graduations
Spiritual Midwife &
Apostolic Midwife Graduation Conference
2nd Virtual Spiritual Midwife Graduation (June 2022)
Our largest class to date!
1st Virtual Spiritual Midwife Graduation (June 2021)
Class 9 Spiritual Midwife Graduation (March 2019)
Class 8 Spiritual Midwife Graduation (March 11, 2018)
In the year of 2017, the Spiritual Midwife class changed from a 9 month class to an intensive 3 day seminar that enabled us to travel to various regions and share our knowledge and training about Spiritual Midwives.
The Spiritual Midwives were sent to Salvation Army Worship Center in Vineland, New Jersey on February 16 -18, 2017. The Lord moved in a mighty way and refreshed leaders and confirmed ministry in others. Below are some pictures from the class.
The Spiritual Midwives were sent to Massai Worship Center "Heaven's Embassy" located in Millville, NJ on March 30, 31 & April 1, 2017. Many lives were changed in a radical way! We saw the Lord heal, deliver and set free in the 3 days Pastor Robbin ministered. These women were hungry and so attentive to learning the bible in a way that relates to their everyday life.
The Spiritual Midwives were sent to Coatesville, Pennsylvania for Spiritual Midwife training in May 2017. The women were unsure of what to expect especially since they were from various backgrounds, ages, and denominations. God still showed up, healed, delivered and broke chains. Below are some pictures from the class.
Class 7 Spiritual Midwife Graduation (Nov 15, 2016)
Class 6 Spiritual Midwife Graduation (Nov 17, 2015)
Class 6 Pictures
Class 5 - Spiritual Midwife Graduation (2014)

WOD Dragon Slaying Women Conference