Women of Deliverance

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Spiritual Midwife FAQs

Last year we hosted a session called “Ask the Midwife” where women from all over the world joined in on Zoom to ask Apostle Robbin questions about being a Spiritual Midwife. It was such a blessing that we decided to share some of the answers. We pray you are blessed by it. If you have any questions about being a Spiritual Midwife, please contact us or click the button below to join our upcoming class.

What is a Spiritual Midwife?

A Spiritual Midwife is someone who has the God-given ability to see where others are in their spiritual birthing process. Even in the midst of someone else’s chaos, they can still relate and sense the Lord is pulling that person towards the manifestation of their purpose and/or deliverance. A Spiritual Midwife knows that being uncomfortable, sensitive, and extremely unsure are indicators that something is getting ready to come forth. They are sensitive to the needs of others and can identify, counsel, and guide them to birthing and/or deliverance.

A Spiritual Midwife can look death in the face and overcome. They have the tenacity to know how to achieve victory and don’t want to be the only one victorious. They make sure they are bringing others along.

A Spiritual Midwife doesn’t help someone get purpose; they are there to push people towards purpose. They are the assistants and coach’s that sense what the Lord is saying. They can also see what still needs to come forth.

A Spiritual Midwife can work in the marketplace, and with anointing and revelation, they can help write and plan a business with unconventional methods. They are disciplined in their calling; money does not sway or distract them. Neither does politics or political figures because they fear God.

 How do you know that you’ve gone into labor?

You will experience pangs.  Pangs are the emotional and mental pain that indicates you’re about to give birth to your God-given purpose and plan.  All types of warfare occur, but if it isn’t properly dealt with, it will bloom and hinder you from moving forward.

 How do you know when you have aborted?

Spiritual or creative abortion occurs when you make a personal decision not to do what you have been called to do or you decide to stop and end what you’re doing. There are a couple of ways of doing this:

1.     When you know what you’ve been called to produce/create or what your purpose is, yet you talk yourself out of doing it.

2.     When you are afraid or unsure of what/how to produce and become paralyzed only to later decide you’re not going to do anything.

3.     You allow negativity, ill-spoken words, and evil deeds to hinder you and never get it cleaned out or detoxed out of your system. Without a detox, you will lose your joy and happiness which are the fuel and the engine of getting things done. (Don’t try to detox alone, you need someone to help you with deliverance and purging what’s inside of you).

*It’s important to note that the Holy Spirit will convict you of this and grace and mercy will grant you another opportunity to birth. This now leaves you racing against time. Abortion doesn’t mean you’ll never produce.

 What are the steps to begin the process in birthing purpose?

Before you begin, you must have the tools to enter the delivery room. You also need to be graced with the anointing of a midwife because spiritual birthing doesn’t happen overnight. The people who are assigned to you will have to also be in agreement that you have the ability to speak into their lives. They need to recognize the anointing on your life in order to submit to what you’re saying.

You also need tools for post-delivery. You will need to know how to take care of yourself so that you’re revived and replenished. You will need to know how to remove the afterbirth of someone else from you because birthing is messy.  This has to be done properly. As a spiritual midwife, you may see some things, and if you can’t properly assist in the birthing process, it can cost you. This is why you will need to take the Spiritual Midwife class.

 Is it possible to give birth to something seasonal?

You will know that is it seasonal if it is hot and taking off, then it seems to dry up, and/or you feel the Lord redirecting you. An indication that it isn’t seasonal is if people are consistently asking for and need your help.

Don’t confuse passion with purpose. Just because you’re no longer passionate about it doesn’t mean God is redirecting you. You may have some assignments that you want to pass on, but the purpose is in you and it won’t allow you to do so. You won’t be able to have peace without doing it. If you’re at a place of accepting your assignment, ask God to put a spotlight on exactly what He wants you to do.

 What’s the difference between passion and purpose?

Passion is what drives you to do something without being paid. It is the thing you eat, sleep, and love to do.  Purpose is the plan God has for you. It’s what you were created and born to do. God gives you the inspiration to complete your purpose. Your platform for ministry is your purpose. Your purpose is realized or birthed out of pain – abuse, divorce, and all other types of things. It’s the pearl process (One of our Spiritual Midwife classes on irritants producing pearls). The greatest valued assets come from overcoming life’s extreme irritants.

 How do you identify where a person is in the birthing process?

Being a spiritual midwife requires discernment. The more you seek God, the more that He sends revelation. You will also need to know the time table of God’s seasons and how He operates in those seasons. Study the Hebrew calendar, alphabet, and what each number stands for. Numbers have been assigned to us to use in certain seasons. For example, the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar is Tishri, so in that season a lot of things deal with completion. The Hebrew calendar will also reveal what devils you are fighting.

 How long can a baby be carried?

When developed you, He packed inside of you all that you are to birth. There is a timer for each thing because He is developing each one in His timing, so it could take a lifetime. We go through multiple birthing’s while we live, yet a lot of our greatest things will be birthed in our senior years.

 How do you find the time, finances, and the right team to be a successful Spiritual Midwife?

Things will be dropped in your spirit, but they may not manifest until the season is completed. You will have to understand the process and the plan of God – How God operates. He will send you places and alert your prophetic instincts. He will lead you in how to invest and where to invest your money. When these things come together, the will of God will be completed.